

SBA Monthly Webinars

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Upcoming Webinars – October 2019


Top 4 Considerations When Selling or Closing a Business

Thursday, October 3, 2019 from 1pm to 2pm EDT

Selling or closing a business is a unique time for business owners. 对企业主来说,这可能意味着一大笔支出和重大转变, employees and customers.

In this webinar, MyCorporation首席执行官Deborah Sweeney将在出售企业时介绍关键的法律和商业考虑因素.

The webinar will cover these factors:

1. Is your business in good standing?



2. Evaluate the intellectual property and goodwill value.

   -Have you protected your intellectual property?

   -What goodwill value do you have in your business?

   -What is your customer base and value of partners?

3. Is this the right time and will you get the right price?

   -Can you pay outstanding debt, if any?


4. Communication is key.








Financial Management for Small Business

Wednesday, October 9, 2019 from 11am to 12 noon EST


After completing this training, you will be able to:

  • 解释财务管理的概念以及为什么它对小企业很重要.

  • Identify financial management practices, rules, and tools that are commonly available to a small business.

  • Explain the most common financial statements.

  • 解释这些财务管理实践、规则和工具是如何工作的.

  • Explain financial management basics for a small business.

  • Importance of cash flow management.

  • 解释初创企业和成长型企业融资的基本知识.





Finance your business with ACCION - a nonprofit Micro Lender

Wednesday, October 16, 2019 from 11am to 12 noon EST

这个由小企业管理局(SBA)赞助的网络研讨会将向您介绍ACCION, 美国最大的全国性非盈利借贷网络. ACCION帮助小企业主获得资金和教育. Accion offers affordable business loans from $1,000 to $250,000, complemented by in-depth guidance, coaching and an entire support system of peers, mentors and resources. 参加这个1小时的网络研讨会,了解更多关于Accion的融资机会.





Grow with Google - Spruce Up Your Holiday Marketing Plan

Wednesday, October 16, 2019 from 11:45am to 1:15pm EST

美化您的假日营销计划加入谷歌并不断6686体育集团官网的年度假日直播. Prior to this workshop, small businesses should visit Google.com/smallbusiness to create an action plan for themselves. 在我们深入研究三种接触客户的方法时,将您的社区聚集在一起, just in time for the holiday shopping rush. 主题包括:谷歌我的企业列表在线广告电子邮件营销.






Startup Success Virtual Conference 2019

Thursday, October 24, 2019 from Noon to 5pm EST

这个为期半天的会议完全在线进行,公众可以免费注册. 参加这个激动人心的会议,学习如何成功地启动和发展自己的小企业. 这个虚拟活动将提供:由行业专家领导的独家教育网络研讨会, online business mentoring, prize giveaways, networking opportunities, and free business resources. 在舒适的家里或办公室里,你就可以获得作为一个小企业主成功所需的信息.

Link to agenda:


Register here:


Link to individual classes:




Laser-Targeting Your Audience for the Busy Solopreneur

Thursday, October 31, 2019 from 1pm to 2pm EST

通过有机营销来接触和吸引你的目标受众几乎已经消失了. Without the bandwidth to become a social media expert, and operating on a limited budget, what are you supposed to do?

Targeted digital advertising via platforms such as Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, 或者LinkedIn可以有效地创造公平的竞争环境,而不会让你倾家荡财,也不会有巨大的学习曲线.

In this session, 数字营销和营销教练Dan Harris将解释如何有效地使用数字广告活动,无论你的目标受众在哪里,无论你是精明的还是广告“新手”。.

Here’s what you’ll learn:

  • 了解你的受众,决定使用哪个渠道或平台

  • 版权:如何优化你的广告文案,以获得关注和转化

  • 目标定位:最强大的关键是找到你想要的人,并花费更少

  • How to best use your advertising budget (even small one)

  • Crafting an effective Call-To-Action to drive results

  • 分析:决定什么是有效的最好方法(不需要成为一个书呆子)

  • Why re-targeting is your secret weapon to increase conversions, drive down ad costs, and your competitors don’t know about




Market Research

你有一个很棒的产品或服务,但是谁是你的客户,你怎样才能接触到他们? 参加SBA的免费在线课程,了解如何识别您的客户以及如何向他们推销.

How to Buy a Business

Are you thinking about buying a business? 参加SBA的免费在线培训,了解如何确定企业价值以及如何转让企业所有权.

Launch the course


How to Prepare a Loan Package  

Are you thinking about securing a loan for your small business? 参加SBA的免费在线培训,了解如何准备贷款包.

Launch the course



Blogs and Recorded Business Training Videos


Encore Entrepreneurship for Women




Recorded webinars from SCORE - http://www.score.org/recorded-webinars


SBA Learning Center - http://www.sba.gov/learning-center



About the Author


Sebring Airport Partners With Chinese General Aviation Capitol

Sebring Airport Partners With Chinese General Aviation Capitol


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新闻稿:佛罗里达州经济机会部门奖励超过1个,000 Small Business Bridge Loans

新闻稿:佛罗里达州经济机会部门奖励超过1个,000 Small Business Bridge Loans


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SBA Monthly Webinars

SBA Monthly Webinars

Upcoming Webinars - January 2020

Read More >


通过吸引各种新企业和增加工业投资,提高6686体育集团官网的生活质量, 同时促进现有企业和行业的保留和成功扩展.

Keep In Touch

Economic Development
Highlands County Board of County Commissioners
(P) 863.402.6924
(F) 863.402.6651